Congregation of Believers


11” x 14” Original Acrylic Painting- Framed and Ready to Hang!

Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Amen.

We as believers truly are blessed to be a part of the Body of Christ. There have been numerous times that I have encountered another fellow believer while out and about, mainly shopping or as in more recent cases while at the gallery. There is something that transpires even before words are spoken. When trying to describe it to others, I refer to it as “our spirits meet up”. As the Body of Christ, we are thread and knit together so that we can fulfill what God has called us to do. Just the the other week, while working, I had the opportunity to meet a fellow Sister in Christ. The conversation was effortless and the shared stories automatically helped us to identify with one another as a fellow believer and follower of Jesus. This encounter is exactly what I needed. I had been having questions like: “Is this really what I am suppose to be doing?” The struggle was real. Until, she and her family prayed for me. After the prayer, I just looked at them and said, “You all were sent to encourage me. Thank you all for letting God use you to help me.”

Well, if you know anything about the world of selling art you can probably relate to the fact that it is not all that easy to generate a substantial income. Most artists like myself create and do what we do because we have a passion to share whatever is swirling around in our minds and hearts. The number of hours do not necessarily equate with the monetary price tag that we have listed on an actual piece of artwork. Nevertheless, we present our work to the world hoping that someone will see it and value it as we do. In some instances, we finish the day feeling elated and satisfied that someone appreciates our work and is so moved to purchase it. As one person shared about a particular piece of my work, “I saw it, and knew I just had to have it.” That is when I realized that my purpose had the power to knock down disappointment. I was remind that I am called to do this thing of creating beautiful, meaningful artwork with a message for Him. I just had to push through, I had to perservere, be hopeful and steadfast. Plain and simple I was jolted into a new reality. My calling was one obedience and it is far greater me. That still small voice from God impressed upon me the following, “I have placed in you skill and talent that is unfathomable. Simply trust me. I know the plans I have for you..” Thank you, Jesus. I needed that “Wake Up Call.”

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